Europe Trip Day 1 Part 1 – Emirates Stadium (Arsenal)

It’s been a month since we arrived London, and we just want to start writing about our 1st day there. Sigh, we were too busy with work when we got back, but we vow to not let that be in our way!

Our 1st visit on September 15, 2015 was to the Arsenal stadium. It was drizzling that day, but we were too excited to be down about it!


That’s Yusof with Shafa’s brother proudly standing in front of the stadium (with umbrellas :p)


Yusof landing his hand to save Thierry Henry from being drenched.


Yusof getting his photography inspiration. Football is his passion! 🙂


“One day, I’ll be one of them” probably the voice in Yusof’s mind? :p


Shafa enjoying her visit. She had no idea who were those guys, she only chose based on looks :p


Yusof’s favourite player in Arsenal. 🙂


Shafa’s getting all energetic!


Somebody’s having press conference :p


“Let’s go and play at the field! Who cares about the rain”.


The MOST epic picture. Arsenal’s future manager. He he.

All in all, it was a great Arsenal stadium self tour with audio guide. Worth the £20 paid. 🙂

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