Why Family with Toddlers Should Consider Travelling to Japan

You know the daily drill of the exhaustive process of potty training a toddler. As any parent who has ever potty trained a child will tell you, leaving the country – or even the house – during this difficult stage can be stressful and counterproductive. Why should you visit a foreign country – with a whiny toddler even?

Well, if you’re talking about potty training – first things first! Japan will make the process a bit easier. There are child-sized toilets in a lot of the public restrooms, which any toddler will feel much more comfortable using. The bathrooms will be a point of interest for older children (and adults), as well. They’ll will be fascinated by the toilets in Japan with all their buttons and fancy gadgets. In their staying in hotels or apartments, you’ll find special toiletries for kids. And when dining out, don’t worry if you have a picky eater who refuses to eat sushi. In many of the restaurants, you’ll find a children’s menu. The food was even served on adorable children’s dishes with small eating utensils at most restaurants where we dined.

Everything is whimsical, themed, or cute. Japan has a way of taking something completely ordinary and making it whimsical and cute. If you order a donut for your child, it will very likely be decorated with googly eyes and a face. If you order a hot dog from the child’s menu, they’ll cut it and cook it to look like an octopus.

If your children enjoy amusement parks, you’ll find a number of popular parks to choose from when visiting Japan with kids – including Disneyland Tokyo and the only Disney resort with a nautical-theme, Disneyland Tokyo!

Tokyo, Japan, specifically, is a serious stimulation of the senses. Everywhere you look, there are bright lights, colorful signs, and flashy electronics.
It’s a city packed with action. Just the type of place that would wow a child. Is your kid a gamer? Tokyo has an entire district dedicated to video games and Anime. You’ll even find urinals equipped with gaming systems.

It is one of the friendliest countries. So naturally, the friendly people make visiting Japan with kids a lot easier. It’s nice going to a place where people will smile at children and offer to help families with children. More to it, Japan is safe and clean even for young kids! It is even one of the safest countries in the world. It’s also very clean.

Let us know your Japan experience!


  1. We just recently took a long trip through France and Italy. It was enjoyable seeing families travel with younger kids. You have some really great ideas here.


    1. Yes, I believe that travel is best when you are doing it as as family, no matter how small 🙂

      Wow France and Italy are my favourites. Beautiful country, aren’t they?


  2. I want to go to Japan. I mean, I want to go everywhere but Japan is on the top of my list! 😀 Hey that’s a great blog. I love it!


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